2011 Reunion
Have some pictures of "back in the day" that you can scan? Then send them
to medevac2@15thmedbnassociation.org and we'll see about getting them added
to this photos page so other can enjoy them.
President - David Huser
Vice President - Art
Treasurer - Robert McKinley
Alt Replacement - Maurice "Corky"
Secretary - James Calibro
Operator/Webmaster - Murray Gibbs
Search Coordinator -
Coordinator - Art Jacobs
Historians - John Crespi (Chaplin), COL Bill
Snail Mail Sender - Norm Roberg
Treasurer Auditors - Fred
McKellar & Jim Blair
Ladies Aux Coordinator – Valerie Huser
Other appointments may be made at the President's
Reunion Minutes 2011
Branson: Missouri
The general meeting was called to order at 1000 hrs. By
President Jim Belair at the Hotel of the Ozarks. The only place available
for our group to hold our annual meeting was near the swimming pool. The
accommodations were extremely bad on April 2011.
President Jim Belair led the Association in the pledge
of allegiance.
The Association members bowed their heads for one
minute Of silent prayer to honor our departed members and for those in
President Jim Belair introduced the Association Officers, and
then had other members and guest introduce themselves.
Art Jacobs made a
motion to accept the minutes as read, 2nd by Dave Huser. Motion was voted on
and accepted.
Bob McKinley reported on the Med. Association finances
for 2010-2011. Bob has kept excellent records on our finances since 2002;
his records are available upon request with the approval of our 1 yr. & 2yr
Trustee or the President. Corky Walsh made a 2nd by Leo Williams to accept
the Treasure’s report as read. The motion was voted on and accepted.
John Crespi reported that we received our colors, which
were deactivated back in 1986.
John Crespi also reported that our Association could
purchase 48 streamers at a reasonable price of $60.00 each for our flag, for
our colors, which included WWII: and Korea. If anyone is interested send
John Crespi the money and he will purchase them and place them on the flag.
Art Jacobs made a motion to obtain a list of all 48
streamers to see where we stand. Motion was 2nd by Corky Walsh. The motion
was voted on by members present and accepted.
John Crespi then made a motion to purchase the 1st
Medical Squadron and have it mounted. (Note: Couldn't read my handwriting;
however the cost was $600. Motion was 2nd by Fred McKellar. The members
present voted on this motion; YES votes were 14, and NO votes 10. Motion
Holly Calibro read a letter from Velma Smith, the Ladies
Auxiliary Coordinator sending her regrets that she and Mike Smith were
unable to make it to the reunion this year because Mr. Smith was touring
Vietnam. Branson was the 14th annual reunion and the first one that Mike
Smith was unable to attend. His perfect record is now history.
Art Jacobs made a motion to have the next reunion for
2012 in Nashville, TN. This motion was 2nd by Norm Roberg. No other
nominations. Members present voted to hold the 2012 reunion in Nashville,
TN. Art Jacobs will coordinate.
2011-2012 OFFFICERs
President - Dave Huser
Vice President - Art
Alt Replacement - Corky Walsh
Treasurer – Bob McKinley (9th
Term). Let’s give Bob a big hearty hand salute.
Secretary - Jim Calibro
Database Webmaster &
Newsletter Coordinator - Murray Gibbs
Assistant Webmaster - Dave Huser &
Linda Brooks
Historian - John Crespi
Snail Mail Coordinator – Norm
Chaplain - John Crespi
Paul Troop resigned as Chaplain. Paul
was a real Trooper and did an outstanding job during his tenure. Paul was
familiar with the proper protocol during our ceremonies.